“Slowflation” is becoming a reality

  • New risks have added more stress to the market environment, increasing the implied volatility of bonds.
  • Investors are questioning economies’ resiliency to the multiple shocks they now face.
  • Equity[1] markets recorded their worst April in over 20 years while bond markets failed to act as a valid diversifier, hence balanced portfolios are significantly negative year-to-date.
[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.fibee.fr/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Perspectives-May-2022.pdf” title=”Perspectives May 2022″]
Termes et définitions
1. Equity ( Equity ) Equity est un terme qui désigne une forme d’investissement à long terme dans une entreprise. Lorsqu’un investisseur achète…
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La révision de Solvabilité 2 a offert des conditions favorables aux investissements en actions à long terme

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